Elliott Summey Announces Candidacy for Charleston County Council

Elliott Summey, current Charleston County Council Chairman (District 3) and Senior Vice President of Weber USA, will officially launch his re-election campaign for Charleston County Council on Wednesday, March 16 at noon at Election Headquarters, located at 4367 Headquarters Road in North Charleston. Summey has served on the Charleston County Council board since 2008 and served as vice chairman for five years. He was elected Council Chairman in 2015 after Teddie Pryor stepped down from the position to spend more time with his grandchildren. Summey’s focus for his campaign is improving the quality of life for Charleston County citizens overall. From improving traffic conditions and road infrastructure issues to creating jobs, ensuring smart growth and development is the key to drive the continued success of Charleston County.

Summey, a graduate of North Charleston High School and College of Charleston, has been instrumental in facilitating new businesses and improvements to Charleston County including: the Johnnie Dodds expansion in Mount Pleasant, Boeing, CARTA,  Charleston International Airport Expansion in North Charleston, development of Centre Point Drive and the Tanger Outlet area, widening of main artery roads such as Highway 41, Clements Ferry Road and much more. 

“To see the transformation of Charleston County since the recession is phenomenal. With all the new companies, corporations and families relocating here, Charleston County is one of the most desirable places to live. In saying that, making sure our residents have a quality of life is my number one concern.” says Summey, “No one wants to sit in traffic for hours to get to work or see their child’s game or recital, which is why modes of transportation is one of my priorities. Creating a growth plan that balances the issues of an ever-growing population is what is needed and is what we’re already working on. I am honored to have served as the Chairman for one year and the council for eight years, I hope voters can see my conviction to make Charleston County the best it can be and vote for me in November.” 

Summey was previously the Chairman of the Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority and the Charleston Area Transportation Study at the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments..He has served on other boards throughout his tenure. At the age of 39, he’s already accomplished many achievements to showcase his commitment to Charleston County. He’s a proud dad of two boys and is driven to make his hometown and county a place where his sons, Jackson and Harrison, can thrive now and in the future. 

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