Sick Days Stink
As a business owner, I have experienced my first bump in the road...all cause by a dirty little thing called bronchitis. It all started on Sunday, I spent the day outside mulching leaves and raking. Usually my eyes water due to allergies to the grasses, so I took an allergy pill after I started to feel a small tightness in my chest. As the night went on, the tightness turned into a dry cough--almost as if I had a desert in my left lung, it was so uncomfortable. The next morning I had a meeting with our new client, rosita jones studio., because we're revamping her website. But during the meeting, the hair on my arms began to stand up and the body aches started. For some reason, when I start to get sick, the aches start at my feet and then slowly creep up my legs. Now I'm no doctor, but I can always tell when I'm about to be full blown down for the count! During my meeting with Geeks In a Box and Angie from rosita, I felt as if the room was closing in...I looked at the gals and had to excuse myself and get straight to the doctor.
I went to an urgent care facility in Mt. Pleasant because my regular physician was full. I will say this is one of the best selling points for this urgent care facility, I could get in and least I thought so. When I walked in the waiting room, it looked like everyone had what I had or something similar. It's hard to sit in a room when you're sick, because you think you're the only one feeling like total hell...but as I scanned the room, I could see it on everyone's faces. From a little 5 year old girl to an 80 year old woman with a cane, we could barely smile more of less look at each other. It took quite a while for the medical staff to see me, and believe it or not but they didn't even have any rooms for me when I was checked in. So after my flu test & blood pressure check I was ushered back out into the waiting room of hell. Finally, after another half hour I was put into a room to wait, again. I went through 2 People magazines, and read them cover to cover! Brightside, I got to catch up on what every celebrity was wearing. Ha!
After a chest xray, I was diagnosed with bronchitis. I went home with a handful of meds and that's when things got worse....yes, worse. These kick-butt antibiotics, Biaxin (sp?) began attacking that mucus and funk with a vengence. So much so that today, I have no voice and when it does reappear, I sound like Kathleen Turner. So what does this have to do with Nelwater, you ask??? As a business owner, you're still bombarded by emails and calls...time doesn't stop like when I worked for someone else. When I worked at the television station, if I called in sick (which was RARE as I left with 160 hours of sick time remaining) all my worries stayed inside the walls of the building. If my coworkers called, I knew that if I didn't answer they would figure out their questions. But now, as I sit in my bed with a Macbook on my lap, I still toil away trying to get done what I can between restful naps and taking my meds.
Would I trade my business for a chance to work for someone else so I wouldn't have to worry?? Hell no. This lil sick hiatus will pass and I know my clients are all cool enough to understand. But it still bugs me, I want to do my best for everyone but I can't unless I'm healthy so I have mentally tell myself, "stay in bed, go back to sleep...oh and please take a shower, you're starting to smell..."
On a side note, my husband, the Voice of the Bulldogs just came home after his visit to another urgent care facility in North Charleston...and guess what he has....bronchitis. Awesome.
Yours in mediocre health,
I went to an urgent care facility in Mt. Pleasant because my regular physician was full. I will say this is one of the best selling points for this urgent care facility, I could get in and least I thought so. When I walked in the waiting room, it looked like everyone had what I had or something similar. It's hard to sit in a room when you're sick, because you think you're the only one feeling like total hell...but as I scanned the room, I could see it on everyone's faces. From a little 5 year old girl to an 80 year old woman with a cane, we could barely smile more of less look at each other. It took quite a while for the medical staff to see me, and believe it or not but they didn't even have any rooms for me when I was checked in. So after my flu test & blood pressure check I was ushered back out into the waiting room of hell. Finally, after another half hour I was put into a room to wait, again. I went through 2 People magazines, and read them cover to cover! Brightside, I got to catch up on what every celebrity was wearing. Ha!

Would I trade my business for a chance to work for someone else so I wouldn't have to worry?? Hell no. This lil sick hiatus will pass and I know my clients are all cool enough to understand. But it still bugs me, I want to do my best for everyone but I can't unless I'm healthy so I have mentally tell myself, "stay in bed, go back to sleep...oh and please take a shower, you're starting to smell..."
On a side note, my husband, the Voice of the Bulldogs just came home after his visit to another urgent care facility in North Charleston...and guess what he has....bronchitis. Awesome.
Yours in mediocre health,
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