Lessons in a Year

Life's about relationships. Building great relationships both personally and professionally takes time and effort and you can liken it to a owning a plant, you have to continue to water it for it to grow...I'm starting to sound like Dr. Phil..ha! Anyway, now that I've passed my one year anniversary of owning Nelwater, I love seeing how relationships have blossomed. I am saddened sometimes when I'm let down by a relationship that shakes my trust in people. But as much I try not to focus on it, it gives me a lesson for my book. Being who am I and seeing my business grow and change keeps me in awe daily and I can't thank all those relationships and lessons that have helped me learn so far. I'm still a student in this wide world, and knowledge is power. I'm learning new things everyday....and that's a darn good thing.

Here's some great quotes:

Life will teach you the lessons, it is up to you to learn them.

There are no mistakes or failures, only lessons.
Denis Waitley

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Bill Cosby

Cheers! Ryan


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