Sick Days Stink

As a business owner, I have experienced my first bump in the road...all cause by a dirty little thing called bronchitis. It all started on Sunday, I spent the day outside mulching leaves and raking. Usually my eyes water due to allergies to the grasses, so I took an allergy pill after I started to feel a small tightness in my chest. As the night went on, the tightness turned into a dry cough--almost as if I had a desert in my left lung, it was so uncomfortable. The next morning I had a meeting with our new client, rosita jones studio. , because we're revamping her website. But during the meeting, the hair on my arms began to stand up and the body aches started. For some reason, when I start to get sick, the aches start at my feet and then slowly creep up my legs. Now I'm no doctor, but I can always tell when I'm about to be full blown down for the count! During my meeting with Geeks In a Box and Angie from rosita, I felt as if the room was closing in...I looked at the gals ...