Some time to reflect

On July 13, I thought the next day - July 14 - would be just an ordinary day. I would get up, drink my espresso, read the Post and Courier and head into my office for a day of work. Boy was I wrong! On July 14, Darren and I awoke to a phone call telling me that my mother, Lana, was having a heart attack and would be taken to the ER at a local hospital. As we drove there, my mind raced, "Could it be a mild one? How could this happen?" etc. and a thousand more questions swirled in my head. When we arrived, my mom was being taken into the Cath Lab where they needed to put a stent in her heart. The physician, Dr. Yarborough, looked at me and said, "Your mom is very sick. We hope she can make it" and BOOM.... my life changed in an instant. Now one month and 9 days later, I still am feeling the affects from mom's heart attack. After a very scary time in a medical induced coma where she lived off an ECMO machine for weeks, she came out of the coma with her senses...