The Hectic Holidays...who knew?

The holidays are here and in full force and it seems like only yesterday, I was on Sullivans Island enjoying Home Team BBQ's Painkiller in the 80-degree heat. (If you have to ask, you haven't had one yet-heavenly!) It's now colder than it's been in Charleston for years and it flurried overnight in town. I feel as if I've been transported back to Denver, but it's really a refreshing change from the blazing heat that we're used to, so I'll take it.

As some of you know in the Goldwater household, we celebrate Chanukkah and Christmas. It's been a delight since both Darren and I introduced our faith traditions to each other and like my father always says, "Knowledge is Power." I wish everyone a very Happy Chanukkah (even if I am a little late!).

Christmas is a great time for the Nelson family, it's the one holiday my dad jumps in full force. He's known as the "Cookieman" and bakes the best cookies in the can ask Bobby Hartin. It's also a time for all of us to look back at what we've experienced and enjoy the year that has past. I can't thank all my friends and family enough for everything...I also thank all my great clients who has referred me to others and it's turned into one giant snowball.

New Year's one of my favorites too because you have the chance to start all over again. I know when I had my rough patch from 1999-2003, I really looked forward to New Years because you could start anew and hope a great year ahead. I hope for a great year ahead for everyone. And speaking of one of my clients, if you're looking to celebrate New Year's in the Holy City, book your spot at the Cru Cafe for a delicious dinner. There's 2 seatings -- one at 6:30pm and one at 8:30pm- which are perfect times if you ask me!

So do I have a New Year's resolution? Yes, of course the whole, losing 10 lbs would be great and I'm always working on that...but I suppose it would be to take more time to enjoy what's around me. I love Charleston, I love what I'm doing and I will take the opportunity in 2011 to stop and smell the roses more often!

What's yours?

Have a marvelous Christmas and New Year's!



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