Trauma Expert Dr. Jennifer White-Baughan Accepting New Patients

Charleston’s loss is Sausalito's gain.

Expert trauma psychologist, Dr. Jennifer White-Baughan Ph.D, has relocated her office from Charleston, SC, to Sausalito (1505 Bridgeway) and a part time office in Mill Valley. Her impact upon not only myself, but many trauma survivors, is beyond explanation and I’m here today because of her EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming) and trauma survivor work with me due to the murder of my friend in our home.  

Ironically, the trauma expert became a trauma patient. 

While living in Bali (during her transition from East Coast to West Coast), it was a surreal time for Jennifer— the people, the smells, the beauty — the last thing she expected was to be pummeled by a motorbike in May 2016, knocking her down to the gravel ground that not only imprinted small rocks into her head and face… but imprinted upon her grey matter. She was injured with a severe brain bleed in her visual cortex. Her daughter, Bristol Baughan , a professional leadership Coach and Executive Producer of Emmy-winning and Oscar-Nominated films - and Marin County resident - flew to be by her side during her healing.

Jennifer lost her sense of smell and taste; it would take up to a year to regain those senses. She has to deal with her own new trauma, inside and out. And the irony of it all wasn’t lost on her. Here she was…a seasoned psychologist who helped survivors after the tsunami in Sri Lanka in 2004, West Africans post-civil war, major life trauma events, rape, victims of assault, murder and more…now needing help to untangle the trauma in her head. 

Now almost three years to the date, Jennifer is back doing what she is meant to do, helping others untangle the trauma in their head. She named her new practice “Breaking New Ground” and it’s quite fitting. I still wish she was here in Charleston, but I'm so glad she's there to help others.

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