Jay MacMurphy Promoted to GM of Firefly Distillery

Firefly Distillery is proud to announce that Jay MacMurphy has been promoted to General Manager of Firefly Distillery, LLC.  He will manage the tasting room, operations, production and accounting. MacMurphy started his career at Irvin~House Vineyards in 2000, where he helped the Irvin Family plant muscadine grapes that would eventually become wine. He then worked as assistant wine maker and vintner for the winery. Once Firefly Distillery opened, he moved to the spirits side and held positions such as assistant distiller and most recently, production manager. 

MacMurphy lives in Mount Pleasant with his wife Kimberly and five children. For all the delicious spirits Firefly Disitllery has to offer, visit www.fireflyspirits.com

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