Blue Barn Juice Company serves up Local, Fresh, Cold-Pressed Juices to Your Doorstep

The concept of cold-pressed is well-known throughout the nation, however, Blue Barn does not use High Pressure Pascalization (HPP) like juices you see on store shelves. HPP denatures the delicate structures of nutrients in produce, making them difficult to be absorbed and utilized by the body. The Blue Barn cold-press technology gently shreds the produce and then applies the perfect amount of hydraulic pressure to extract the juices from our raw fruits and vegetables.

Blue Barn uses homemade recipes to create its 10 blends: Sweet Greens, Salad in a Bottle, Primal Energy, Not from a Cow, Beauty Juice, Daily Detox, Gut Check, Hydration Station, Mojo and a Kids’ Blend Sneaky Greens. They also offer one, three and five day cleanses with explicit directions and support from the Blue Barn Juice Company owners themselves.
Blue Barn Juice marries health-conscious West Coast sensibility with Southerners’ good common sense.The idea sprouted during a poolside chat in a Mount Pleasant backyard. Two moms and a dad commented on their desire to grab a high quality, cold-pressed juice at any time right around the corner. These three healthy families decided they wanted to give Charleston the one thing it did not yet have; nutrient rich super juices for the whole family available anytime. Founding partners Andy Topka, Moira Kucaba and Amy Parr worked to bring their passion for juice to the Lowcountry.
You will find Kucaba and Parr in the Blue Barn Kitchen daily selling and creating the blends and cleanses. Moira Kucaba, a Pilates instructor, mom of two and enthusiast of all things mind, body and holistic, studied "juiceology” in La Jolla, CA. Amy Parr, an accomplished event planner divides her time between Telluride, CO and Charleston with three small children and husband, Jess. Andy Topka is a serial entrepreneur with a busy, juice-loving wife and three kids, with another child on the way.
