Cru Café to Close for Week-Long Enhancement in January

January is a month for New Year’s resolutions and creating a fresh, new look at life. Cru Café is doing some touch ups of its own. With the help of the original designer, Los Angeles-based interior designer, Terry Zucker of Starting Over Design Studio - also known as Chef Zucker’s mother - the interior of the restaurant will be given a “freshening up” and will be closed the week of January 14-18 for the aesthetic improvements to help maintain the cozy, intimate atmosphere guests have grown to love. Cru Café will reopen Tuesday, January 21 to the public. Always closed on Sunday and Monday.

“A new year is always about a fresh start and it’s time for the cafe to get a minor face lift” said John Zucker, owner and chef of Cru Café. “Along with the look, we will be adding new dishes to our menu along with a new menu design.  2013 is all about keeping it fresh. Just like our food” 

More details of menu changes and additions will be released upon completion. For more on the cafe, visit


Located at 18 Pinckney Street, in a classic 18th century Charleston single-style home, Cru Café offers the best in upscale comfort food. Guests of the restaurant enjoy indoor and outdoor porch seating, gourmet comfort food, a wine list tailored to the varied menu and rich, satisfying desserts. It’s one of Charleston’s best kept secrets. Open for lunch and dinner Tuesday through Saturday. For more information visit our website at or call 843.534.2433. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest.


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