My Big Brown

The Nelwater Mascot
When I first got Fletcher, the Nelwater Consulting mascot, it was April 20, 2000. I was living in Colorado with my then-boyfriend, Jason and he had always wanted a Chocolate Labrador. Growing up with mutts and even a Golden Retriever, I wasn't too picky but Jason had loved the idea of a Chocolate Lab, it was the least I could do to say yes. When I came home from an event that evening, I met Fletcher for the first time. This small brown ball of fur was only 12 weeks old and the length of my arm, from my wrist to my elbow....tiny. We cooed over this little piece of magic and swore we would make him the best dog he could be.

I began working on my first book about Peyton's death and each day I would go to the computer to write, under the desk, Fletch would be if he had something to contribute to the story as well. He was my right hand man. But beyond that wagging tail and amber eyes, was a little devil...or as I called him, "Our Little Gold Bar". Fletch chewed shoes, remotes, purses and anything that relieved his pain. We were the worst owners in the world, I had decided. Jason worked in Boulder so his commute often took 90 minutes each way, but when he pulled in, Fletch would go crazy with excitement. Jason spent every minute with Fletch and loved the dog to death. There was more than one time that this brown ball of energy did something dumb to warrant at trip to the Emergency Vets...hence the Gold Bar name.

We were both very young and I wasn't in the best place in my life because of Peyton's death, so Jason and I went our separate ways. I had to leave Fletch with Jason and it broke my heart, but that was the decision and I needed to handle it. Then on August 8, 2003, Jason died in a car accident on the interstate in Denver. I was devastated. We had just talked that day...and things between us had gotten so much better. As I made my way through connections to Denver, I finally remembered Fletch... at the time I was just worried about getting there and thinking a little foggy. I was a mess. I was so sad I couldn't see straight. I couldn't believe that someone else in my life had died at such a young age. I truly couldn't wrap my brain around it all. And then here came Fletch, lumbering through the door at 90 pounds with a smile bigger than Texas. I melted. He flew home with me back to Charleston and we began our life together.

Now 11 years later, I think of all the craziness I've gone through with this nutty dog (anyone who knows him will tell you) and I am happy for it all. Some people watch "Marley & Me" and think it's a tad exaggerated. I'm here to tell you, it's absolutely my life with Fletch.

But now as his muzzle grows gray and he walks with creaks, I am filled up with love every time I look at him. No longer do my shoes, purses and remotes look like fun to chew longer do long walks need to go longer because his energy isn't all longer do car ride seem as fun because it's hard enough for him to get in the back seat. He's grown up...and old. So I will cherish each moment I have with him and know I am lucky to have him.


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