Small Business...Ebbs and Waves

Last night, I came across an article from the New York Times titled "Top 10 Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail" by Jay Goltz and it caught my attention. So much so that I felt the need to send it onto my other colleagues and female business owners.

You can read it here!

But one of the tips that got my attention was #2 ...."Owners who cannot get out of their own way. They may be stubborn, risk adverse, conflict adverse -- meaning they need to be liked by everyone (even employees and vendors who can't do their jobs). They may be perfectionist, greedy, self-righteous, paranoid, indignant, or insecure. You get the idea. Sometimes, you can even tell these owners the problem, and they will recognize that you are right -- but continue to make the same mistakes over and over"

Believe it or not, but I am already encountering these types of business owners and it's a tough conundrum. You sometimes want to shake them and say "Wake up!" but you know that's not the right thing to how do you approach them?? I say be honest, if they want to listen to you, they will. They have to trust you, they've hired you because of your expertise and although it will be difficult for them to let go, it will be in their best interest. Sometimes, you will even doubt your decisions and wonder if you should have made that call but you can't let their problems affect your decision making abilities.

One of the hardest parts about being a PR and marketing consultant is that sometimes the client isn't ready to hear what you have to suggest. They have an idea in their mind that they think is "so great" and it's our job to convince them that there are other great ideas out there as it's part diplomat, part psychologist.

I found that article to be a helpful reminder that as a PR/Marketing consulting for others that I also must take care of my own blossoming business...oh, and to invest in a stellar accountant!

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