Rusty Rudder open for lunch Jan. 16th

Beginning Monday, January 16, The Rusty Rudder in Mount Pleasant, will be open for lunch daily at 11:00 a.m. Their new operating hours will be Sunday - Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Friday, Saturday 11:00 a.m. to midnight. This is good news for the growing area of North Mount Pleasant. “The area around the Rudder is expanding rapidly and we want to give our neighbors other lunch options besides fast food.” says Brian Johnston, co-owner of the Rusty Rudder. Since its opening in 2014, The Rusty Rudder has had the opportunity to offer the North Mount Pleasant Farmers Market, a large event space for parties, oyster roasts, musical acts, an official Carolina Panthers viewing location, delicious brunch and their philanthropic Miracle Mondays which donated more than $7,000 to local nonprofits in 2016. The Rusty Rudder’s catering division has also experienced increased volume thanks to the Rudder’s ease of delivery and set-up. For details on catering, visit their website here: ht...